الالتهاب الرئوى
من الامراض الشائعه وهو عباره عن التهاب أنسجه الرئتين lung tissue and bronchioles
الموضوع الأصلى من هنا: ايجى فيت http://www.egyvet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39
الأسباب- Causes :
1-فى الأبقار - In Cattle :
Pasreurella multocida ,Salmonella,TB ,IBR ,Parainfluenza 3 ,Verminous pneumonia .
2-فى الخيل - In Horse :
Streptococc (Strangles) ,Corynbacterium ,E coli Adeno virus , and EVR.
3-فى الضأن - In Sheep :
Corynbacterium,Pasreurella multocida ,Parainfluenza 3 .
الأعراض - Clinical Finding :
Off food , dullness , decrease in milk production , rumenstasis ,painful cugh congested mucous membrane , nasal discharge , continous or recurrent fever , in verminous pneumonia protrusion of the tongue exopectoration of mucous .
العلاج - Treatment :
Line of treatment:
1- Antibiotic
4- Anti - inflammatory
5- Heart tonic
6- Vitamine C
الوقايه - Control:
Vaccination for pneumpnia as Cattle Master four to the dam in the 7 month of pregnancy and 2 weeks before parturation 5 cc S/C
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